Dr Steve Osman-ToddHall

Mar 15, 20202 min

Dr Steve is taking a couple of days off work- with a cold

Not the most flattering photo, but that's me (plus my dog's ass!!!)

As some of you will be aware, I have had to temporarily work from home, and spend some time recovering. I will return when I am sure that I am well, that I am not posing a risk to my patients, and that the QLD Health Minister has no reason to call me out for doing so!

I have a cold ('tis the season)- but I have NOT been in contact with anyone with suspected or confirmed COVID19. I discussed this with Public Health today, and will just make sure that my symptoms settle before I come back to work. This is for the good of both me and my patients, though I have to admit to not getting much rest today...

I am following my own advice for my mild fever, sore throat, slight cough, runny nose, aches, and a couple of shivers...

*rest as best as able at home


*simple analgesia

*thermometer to check my temperature

*decongestant nose spray (sprayed at 90 deg to my nose, parallel to my mouth's palate, NOT 'up' my nose)

*steaming/vapor when I go to the toilet (ie. regularly), running the hot water for 30 secs and breathing it in through my noise deeply, then exhaling forcibly ('huffing')

*calories, by whatever means, though I have little appetite

*Vitamin C 1000mg, Blackmore's Executive Stress B Vitamins x2, Zinc 50mg (max. 40mg in pregnancy), doses for adults; I will continue these until the COVID19 pandemic is dying down (limited evidence of help, but better than nothing!)

*regular hands washing, as advertised, including every time that I blow my nose

*coughing/sneezing into the inside of my shirt

*and not going to see my own GP unless I deteriorate, get temps >38C, suspect pneumonia, or develop other obvious complications requiring a consultation.

[Please note that every case is individual and depends on its own facets and the patient's underlying issues and concerns].

Wayne has not been feeling great today, but we will see how he is for tomorrow.
