Dr Steve Osman-ToddHall

Apr 2, 20202 min

Appointments, Flu Jabs, and Patience...


Please consider whether or not you really need to come in to see Dr Steve, or whether he can just phone you.

Obviously, if you need a BP check, or tests like an ECG or spirometry or ABPIs, B12 and Prolia jabs, flu jabs, or wound care, then you need to come in and see the Nurse and Dr Steve.

Dr Steve is currently assembling a lectern and vanity screen to allow for consulting just outside of the Practice, where patients don't need any of the above, but are worried about entering the building. These appointments will be conducted with his iPad, and depend on the weather, of course. The Nurse continues to operate in her room, and all injections and procedures must happen there.

Usual appointments will continue to happen in Dr Steve's office where acceptable.

Dr Steve can also come to you in your car outside of the Practice, weather allowing.

Please remember that all requests for scripts, forms, etc., will need at very least a phone call consult with Dr Steve.

Until systems are in place, you are still requested to come in and pick up scripts and other forms requested by telephone- and you can call upon arrival for us to bring them out to your car, weather allowing.


Because of this new world, urgent phone calls and other matters are arising now frequently, and these can mean that I am significantly later for your phone call (versus the time expected at booking, or the appointment time if you booked that but prefer not to come in). If you don't turn up, I will likely try to call during the day. I would request that you call us and let us know if you will be coming in, though- and again, please remember that if the appointment is for a health assessment, nursing tests, etc., then you need to come in still for the appointment.


Very unhelpfully, the TV and Radio have proclaimed that GPs now have flu jabs. Apparently we have loads. This is not true. We have been given a very small set of flu jabs for those 65 years and older, and we are currently setting up flu needle clinics for those most at risk due to immune issues and the severest of disease, which will happen next week. PLEASE WAIT TO BE ADVISED, THOUGH YOU CAN CALL RECEPTION AND ASK IF YOU QUALIFY FOR ONE FO OUR FIRST BATCH.

Otherwise, flu jabs will be delivered to us again on or just after April 14th, so after Easter, and then there will be an expansion of flu clinics that we will advise you of soon.

Thank you for your patience. We are a small surgery, with a small vaccines fridge, and this limits our stock at any one time.

The flu jab does have most effect in the 3-4 months after being given. Flu has a second seasonal peak in Aug/Sept. Hence, flu jabs at the end of April would be ideal for most- yopu are not being disadvantaged, or losing out, especially if you are already heavily socially isolating!

Many thanks again, Dr Steve
